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Dove House Academy



The purpose of the Humanities curriculum at Dove House Academy is to prepare our pupils to be informed and active members of their communities.  

The program of study has been designed to be relatable and relevant to learners at Dove House Academy, focusing on broad and engaging content which will enrich their lives now and into adulthood. 

Humanities at Dove House Academy focuses on three key areas: 

  • Natural & Human Geography 
  • UK & Global History
  • Religious Education 




The geography topics are designed to inspire curiosity and fascination about the world and the people who populate it whilst equipping pupils with the skills and resources to further engage with and explore what our planet has to offer. Over the course of Key Stage 3 and 4 pupils will develop a deep understanding of their local area and the communities within it, as well as expanding their knowledge of cultures and countries further afield.


Pupils explore local, national, and international content within the History topics. The curriculum aims to deepen pupils’ understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world, with an emphasis on topics that have shaped and informed modern day living. Pupils study a range of notable people, places and events, and topics explored in Key Stage 4 build on the knowledge, skills and understanding covered in Key Stage 3. e.g. Historic Hampshire, taught in KS4, builds on prior learning within Looking Back at Basingstoke in KS3. The KS4 topic has a wider scope and considers a greater area than the KS3 topic.  

At Dove House Academy, learners have varying levels of awareness of religious ideas.  Although pupils come into contact with a range of cultural and religious backgrounds. They do not always have an explicit understanding of how religious beliefs may affect day-to-day life for many young people. To increase the awareness of our pupils, we have included two Religious Education topics within each academic year. As per history, these half-termly projects address national and global ideas such as the role of prayer, forgiveness and celebrations. The program of study aims to equip pupils with knowledge and understanding of the similarities and differences between the main religions of the world, as well as touching on lesser-known ones.  These topics aim to provide pupils with the skills to be a critical thinker, actively demonstrating a respectful tolerance and understanding of differences, and contribute positively within society. 

The curriculum content has been designed in consultation with the Dove House Academy community and is informed by the DfE National Curricula for History, Geography and Hampshire’s Living Difference guidance. 

Humanities at Dove House Academy is delivered in weekly 40-minute lessons. Every learner in Years 7-10 participates in 6 topics, with Year 11 pupils studying 5 topics. Each topic lasts a half term, and pupils get a balanced offer of two topics per area (History, Geography, and RE) across the academic year. 

Example of Topic Titles: green cells are Geography, purple cells are History and Blue cells are RE.  

 Please note: Parents/carers have the right to choose whether to withdraw their child from RE Please contact admin@dovehouse-academy.net for more information and guidance.