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Dove House Academy

Life Skills

Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education

Including smoking, drugs and alcohol education, hygiene, sex and relationships (inc. puberty, STIs, contraception, conception, pregnancy and birth), social and emotional learning, personal safety, child development, money and budgeting.

Careers and Employability Skills

including character/strength profiling, world of work exposure visits/talks, post-16 choices, skill building (e.g. time management, customer service, teamwork, communication, organisation), CV writing, applications, personal statements, interview skills, action planning, job searching/services, and health and safety.


including politics, justice, rights and responsibilities, roles in our community, volunteering, charity and community care, diversity, culture, personal contribution, benefits, morals and sustainability.

Skills for Life

Including using public transport, road safety, fire safety, household cleaning, household chores, gardening, shopping skills, using services in our community and first aid.

Key Stage 3

During Key Stage 3 the pupils undertake a broad and varied programme encompassing aspects listed above. The emphasis is on building practical skills, and developing confidence whilst raising awareness of the world around them, and their responsibilities and how they fit in.  Sessions in Key Stage 3 are predominantly practical to provide hands-on learning. Pupils can expect to participate in various trips, undertake group tasks, meet a range of people from within our local community and undertake tasks they may have previously thought were for adults!

Key Stage 4

In Key Stage 4, Life Skills is offered to pupils on all pathways, with extra time allocated to those students who need further support in independence skills.  During lessons, pupils continue to learn about the areas above but there is a stronger focus on budgeting, health   and relationships and independent living.  All pupils will also experience a range of careers advice through assemblies and visits to local colleges and employers.

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